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It seems we put a great deal of weight on what we think but not many of us, if pressed, could give a logical reason why we think the way we do. In most cases what we think dictates how we act and ultimately, live our lives.

I believe that much of what many of us would call our code of ethics is based on personal supposition gleaned from our political preference, sources of information, religious views or lack thereof, and our associations. Change just one of these and your ethical stance would be altered. This is true whether you are on the right, left or somewhere in-between. These unstable foundations are what our Lord was talking about when He told us not to build our house on shifting sands (Matthew 7:24-27).

We have to realize that truth is not a relevant thing. The statement that truth is relevant is a non-logical assertion. Something that is true would be universally true and thus, not relevant. As science discovers “truths” about the universe, no one would say, “Gravity is relative”. Such an illogical statement would be laughed at. The only thing that can be relative is our opinions or personal beliefs, things untangible.

In our secular world, especially in our market based economy, success is measured by how well we succeed economically. If we are well educated, drive a nice car, have a beautiful home, are successful in our career, have a great family and have some money in the bank we have arrived and considered very successful. Please understand I am not denigrating any of these things, they are all fine and good in their proper place but when even Christians and churches use these barometers to measure whether the ministry is a success, we have lost our perspective, we have lost our first love.

Do you remember Jesus’ conversation with the rich young ruler (Luke 18:18-23)? He had kept the religious laws (exemplary) but Jesus looked at his heart and knew that his value was not God’s kingdom but his own kingdom.

We must take the time to find out what is really true and then begin to build our lives on that. There are many brilliant men and women who have done exactly that. Some have come to determine that in Christ there is truth, others have found what they believe to be truth elsewhere. Each of them at least investigated and put some effort into discovering why they believe what they believe. Build your life on a firm foundation not on what you feel or a political party. Be genuine.

Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY"

If what Jesus said is really the truth, “I am the way, the life and the truth, there is no other way to God except through me” (John 14:6), then I would assume that at bare minimum, you would want to investigate just who this Jesus claimed to be.

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