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. "And whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Mt. 21:22.

Praying but not Believing

Is it possible to be a person of prayer and yet not have faith. Praying in your mind, but doubting in your heart? Is it possible to fool yourself into believing that because you ask God for something, you have faith in His ability to do it? Is your faith so weak that you are surprised when he does answer? During one of my quiet time devotions by Henry Blackaby, I was confronted with these questions. In the last few weeks, my family has been dealing with a medical crisis with our oldest daughter. Doctors visit, after visit; praying without ceasing, with what seem to me, without any results. To be honest, at one point, I was beginning to think, why continue to pray about it? However, that's not scriptural. The scripture says, "pray, believe, receive."

Later, I was confronted with this question. You are asking God to do something, how are you preparing to receive it? Are you adjusting your life to match your prayer request? Wow, what an eye opener. Then I really had to ask myself, how am I preparing, am I ready for the diagnosis? You see, our reaction reflects our beliefs. It's all about choices. We must be fully committed to God and His word, no matter the circumstances. Whenever the Lord speaks to you, it will require an adjustment in your life, and we must be prepared to obey. Guess what, I had to make some adjustments. Am I still praying, you bet I am? Have you become fearful instead of faithful? If you have, be prepared for some adjustment; then ask yourself, am I willing to make them?

Blessings, Betty Dyson Gideon Auxiliary

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